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Safe operation of laser welding machine

author:tap:214 Release time:2023-11-04


 In recent years, the use of laser welding machines in many industries has become more and more frequent, and laser welding is a very mature application among many laser technologies. In the process of use, in order to ensure the safety of the operator, we need to master some safety operation specifications in the process of operating the laser welding machine.

In the process of use, in order to ensure the safety of the operator, we need to master some safety operation specifications in the process of operating the laser welding machine. The following will explain to you what are the safety operating procedures of laser welding machine.

1, should avoid laser damage to the eyes, laser welding machine welding laser power density is very large, the beam is very thin, it is easy to human eyes, skin damage, so in the laser welding operation should focus on protecting the eyes. Field operators must wear special laser protective glasses.

2, should avoid laser burns to the skin laser direct exposure to the skin will cause burns to the skin, by the long-term effects of diffuse reflection, will also lead to the operator skin aging, inflammation and skin cancer. Field operators should wear overalls to reduce the impact of diffuse reflection.

3, to carefully read the manual, in strict accordance with the operating procedures to run the laser welding machine to ensure equipment and personal safety.

4, should check whether the parts of the welding machine work normally, before the welding work, should check whether the parts of the laser welding machine work normally, after the end of the operation of the welding machine, the work site to check, eliminate hidden dangers, to ensure safety without accidents.

5, avoid laser irradiation to produce fire, laser beam direct irradiation or strong reflection will lead to combustibles burning, leading to fire, in addition to the laser there are thousands to tens of thousands of volts of high voltage, will be electric shock damage. Therefore, only trained personnel are allowed to operate the laser welding machine. The laser light path system must be fully enclosed with metal to prevent direct irradiation, and the laser welding table should also be shielded to prevent radiation.

6, the circulating water in the laser welding machine - must be kept clean, otherwise, it will affect the output size of the laser, according to the start-up time, water quality and other states, to determine the cycle of replacing the cooling water, generally speaking, the summer is shorter than the winter water change cycle.

7, the laser welding machine shell needs to be connected with safety grounding, during the work, do not face the laser beam with your eyes, and do not let the body (such as hands) contact the laser beam, so as to avoid damage.

8, pay attention to keep the environment and laser welding machine clean, should often check whether the laser rod and optical components are contaminated.

9. If the laser welding machine needs to be repaired, it must be powered off, and it is necessary to make sure that the charge on the energy storage capacitor has been discharged before it can be carried out to avoid electric shock. If an abnormal phenomenon occurs during operation, power off (press

Safe operation of laser welding machine